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How to kickstart projects the Google way? Have you ever wondered how do successful brand like Google, youtube or slack start their big or small projects?
This book has changed the process in the UX world in the fast pace of business we cannot afford to invest time and money into ideas that may no work out. How do we solve this?
Today we will be talking about the book Sprint: How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just 5 days by Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz from Google Ventures this is a guide a step by step for you to recreate this process. So, if you are new to the UX world or if you need to know if your idea will work in the real world this book is for you!
The sprint concept came about as Jake found that his best work happened when there was a big challenge and not enough time! So the sprint is Google ventures process to answer those crucial questions through prototyping and testing ideas with customers.
So lets begin with our week:
Monday we will make a map and choose a target
Tuesday sketch competing solution
Wednesday Decide on the best
Thursday Build a realistic prototype
Friday Test with target customers
Monday is all about setting the a clear goal for the project, ask yourself “why are we doing the projects, where do we want to be in 6 months, a year or 5 years” think about those long term goals. Also map down all the stakeholders one one side with the goals on the other side & connect everything showing how customers interact with products. Finally circle the most important customer and one target.
Tuesday is all about sketches, before you sketch you may want to bring in an expert for more information, a good method noting down a how might we questions e.g HMW use imagery to tell our story ( this was for blue bottle coffee)
A great technique for the sketch is the 4 step sketch which is all about taking notes, making idea, creating 8 different versions in 8 minutes of possible solutions and finally pick the solution sketch and make it self explanatory, this all would be done in silence. And DONT LOOK AT OTHER SKETCHES you want to have a fresh set of eyes for Wednesday.
Tuesday was full of sketches, today is all about making decisions, it is time to vote on design or specific parts of designs these specific parts can be transformed into a new better idea! The winning idea will be turned into a storyboard showing how the customer will encounter the idea and move throughout it this will be the plan for the prototype.
Thursday is all about the prototype make it rough fast and flexible! It is also important to Designate a "Maker, Stitcher, Writer, Asset Collector" and "Interviewer." And don't forget about a trial test before the big interview day on Friday!
Friday is the interview day make sure not to split the team at this point have one interview room and one spectator room where you can watch together and make notes on about the customers reactions. If prototype fails or is a success, you will learn a lot for its next sprint!
A websites UX is important. It's so important, in fact, that it can make or break a business, no matter what type of business you're running, the user experience is essential! So if you are still feeling stuck Im here to help! Let's chat now!
Thanks for reading!
Kami x